Walnuts are highly prized in the lumber industry. There are nine native species of walnut in North America. The two main species of walnut we work with are Eastern Black Walnut (juglans nigra) and Claro Walnut (juglans hindsii).
Eastern Black Walnut is native to the eastern part of the United States, stretching from the New England states to Michigan and south to Alabama and Georgia. This species of walnut has been used for generations in fine furniture making. Eastern Black Walnut is also referred to as just Black Walnut, or American Walnut.

Claro Walnut (juglans hindsii) can be commonly referred to as Claro Walnut, Claro Black Walnut, Northern California Walnut, or Oregon Black Walnut. This species is native to Pacific Northwest, from northern California to Oregon. Because Claro walnut can sometimes be marbled and is slightly denser than Eastern Black Walnut, it is common to see it used in furniture making, turning and gun stocks.
It can be difficult to tell the difference between the two species. Generally, the Claro Walnut will be more figured and lighter in color compared to the Eastern Black Walnut. Eastern Black Walnut is more difficult to be found in larger sizes (48”+ Diameter) and it is easier to find large diameter logs of Claro Walnut.
Other Walnut Species We Stock

Bastogne Walnut (juglans hindsii x juglans regia), also known as Paradox Walnut, is distributed across California and the Pacific west coast. Bastogne Walnut is a hybrid species developed by Luther Burbank in the 1890’s where he crossed the Claro Walnut with the European English Walnut. Bastogne is fast growing and does not produce enough fruit for commercial use, unlike both of its parents, English and Claro. It is common to find Figured Bastogne. It can be distinguished by its wide sapwood and light-colored heartwood.

While Butternut (juglans cinerea) doesn’t produce walnuts, it is in the Walnut family and is sometimes called the White Walnut. Butternut is becoming more and more difficult to find due to a fungal disease. While not officially listed as a threatened species it is of federal concern to the US fish and Wildlife Service. Butternut has a medium tan heartwood and white sapwood.
Berkshire Products has America’s largest selection of walnut slabs and burls. If you’re interested in learning more or are looking for the perfect Walnut slab for your home, call our Sales Office at 413-229-7919 or email info@berkshireproducts.com.
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