Our Sapele Inventory
We have over 50 Ash slabs in stock online in sizes that usually range:
- Up to 28" wide
- Up to 11' long
- Up to 1" thick
Sapele Origin:
Sapele trees are found in Africa, from Ghana to the Congo and Uganda.
Sapele Workability:
Sapele is not difficult to work with, but may tear during planing. It will react and become discolored or stained when put into direct contact with iron. It can also sticker stain very easily if not properly dried. It has a blunting effect on cutters, but it turns, glues, and finishes well.
Sapele Uses:Sapele is often used to make fine furniture, musical instruments, cabinetry, flooring, countertops, doors, boat building, and veneer.
Color:The heartwood of Sapele is a golden to dark reddish brown in color with a creamy sapwood. It can be highly figured with a variety of patterns including pomele, beeswing, mottled, fiddleback, and can have ribbon stripes when quartersawn.
Janka Hardness:1410 (medium)
Decay and Weather Resistance:Rated as moderately to very decay resistant and moderate resistance to insects/borer.
Misc:Although not a true Mahogany, Sapele is from the same botanical family and has similar properties. It is sometimes called Sapele Mahogany and occasionally used as a substitute for Genuine Mahogany.

Close up photo to show grain of a Sapele slab